Climate Change

With scientists agreeing and popular opinion increasingly in favour of fighting the phenomenon of climate change it is clear that it is one of the biggest challenges facing mankind. Its consequences are far-reaching, difficult to do anything about, and pose a problem to poor people in particular.

What are the causes and consequences of climate change? And who will suffer the most from the effects? And, especially, what can we do about it? These are some of the most pressing questions. Below, you will find links to a few of the credible sources out there.

Posts on Tourists & Vagabonds about this topic:

Climate experts shocked: Many of Himalaya’s glaciers will be gone by the year 2100

US sides with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia on fossil fuels

Sea levels expected to rise by 30cm by the end of the century, report concludes

For further study

OXFAM International

The United Nations

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The World Wildlife Fund

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